Monday, July 27, 2009

i hate fever......

salam..korang nak tau tak.....ak sgt benci demam.....sbb biler ak demam,ak jadi tak larat bergerak,tak selera nak makan,nk tgk tv pun tak der mood,x bley nk wat assignment, yg paling tak best,ak yg expert maen game ni kalah......
benci nyer....
korang pernah dgr tak demam mkn durian banyak sgt....
tu la yg terjadi kat ak pd hari ahad n isnin semalam.....
pdn muke ak..
sape suruh cari pasal ngan durian tu...
ak nie kire rindu giler ar kat durian kan.....
kat dpn mydin kat kolej tu ade jer org jual...
tp kalo ak beli mcm pelik giler je kan.....
mesti org gelak kat ak...
pastu biler ak balik umah nie....
ak mkn la puas3xx........
hasinyer....20 ulas dan ke atas ak mkn...
tak tau la berape sume nyer tp sgt bnyk la...
pastu bdn ak pun rase panas dalam tau......
mak ak pun suspek sesuatu.......
dier suruh ak peg klinik amik darah sbb takut ak kena h1n1...
ak paling benci amk darah.....sakit lar wei......ak nie dah la spesies yg vein susah nk timnul...
so doktor ke nurse ke yg amik darah ak mesti cucuk bnyk2x kali...
tu ak benci amik darah tu....
so ak pun amik langkah drastik utk tak nak peg klinik sbb ak benci org amik drah ak...
sgt menyakitkan................
ak pun masuk dlm bilik ak dlm kol 11 pg...
ak tutp tingkap langsir pintu kipas........
ak amik selimut ngan toto .........
ak lipat due toto tue.........
pastu ak duduk dlm selimut n toto tu sampai 12 suku.....
ak mmg abis berwap....baju ak basah abis.....dahsyat ar ak berpeluh....
tp alhamdulillah...
dgn izin Allah.......usaha n ikhtiar ak dpat hasilnyer....
ak tak yah peg klinik......mak ak beli ubat jer kat ak.....
bile mak ak balik skul,dier rase bdn ak tak panas dah cam semalam...
so ari nie...
ak bley cont assign yg melambak tu....
dah ler ade quiz,test minggu depan...masak ak...
yg penting setiap penyakit tu drpd Allah dan kesembuhannyer dgn izin Allah jugak....
n satu lg......
penyakit tu penghapus doser.......
ak ni mmg bnyk doser........

i hate fever......

Wednesday, July 15, 2009


I really want to share this story with all of you guys.........I do not know how is the feeling to be a mother yet........That is why I attracted to an article in Readers Digest Magazine (April 2009) titled "Just The Tonic for a Sick Mom".I really interested to pick up this article because I have mom..............very lovely mom.........I miss her very much....seriously........

This story was told by Stephanie Wilmen who have three children had all been ill at same time.All of them are boys aged one,three,five years old at the time.After taking care of them round the clock,she came down with the same symptoms.She needed to see the doctor alone and bring her sons together as her husband was away for work.

In the waiting room at the hospital,the baby was on her lap and the other two sons were playing with toys on the floor.She felt very sorry for herself as she lacked of sleep and support.

A man who just settled his account with receptionist,stood and watched her two boys played on the floor.Stephanie looked at the man.Suddenly,the MAN SAID,


She took a long time to digest what he meant actually.He congrated her ,but for what??????

He said again,"I have 3 boys and I know HOW hard it is.Look at how well behaved they are..You have done a brilliant job."After that,he walked out and left her who still blurred.When she got it,she was the proudest mother and did not seem to notice how sick she was.She forgot that she was sick!!!!!!

Those words are the best things our moms could heard.The lesson here is,me myself realised that our behaviours will reflect back on how our parents educate us since we small???The public will blame our parents first if we do something wrong although it was not their fault.........

So,let us change ourselves from negative to positive or from good to better,from better to the best.....for the sake of our parents especially our moms that were very sensitive and concern about us...think about it...

Tuesday, July 14, 2009


Actually,I have read Readers Digest magazine April 2009.The article titled "KINDNESS OF STRANGERS" really made me feel unbelievable that there HAS STILL someone who is very kind.I thought if that thing happens to me,I will not be such a kind people like that!!!!!!!There is a story I want to share with you guys...

The subtitle of the article is "THE LAST OF NINE LIVES".THE STOry is told by Neridah Kentwell who have lost her cat named Misty.Misty has disappeared from her new home after being locked up in the house for two weeks.Neridah and her children tried their best to find out Misty anywhere such as along the railway track.

Fortunately,after several weeks,Misty returned to Neridah's house.It looked so bedraggled and starving.It recovered slowly but lastly,it became healthy and looked plump like before.

However,it was still unsettled yet.There was no pleasure in Misty.It was not content and active like before.One morning,Neridah and her children felt very shocked and sad when Misty lost again!!!!!It escaped from their house like the previous time.They tried to search for Misty anywhere.......suddenly...............

Suddenly,her son found Misty's body,wrapped in an expensive sports jacket and left on the side of the road.Misty was died!!!It was hit by a car!!!!There was a note pinned to the jacket.The driver wrote and expressed how very sorry he was that he did not see Misty.He told that he did not have a chance to stop when Misty crossing the road suddenly.

NERIDAH CRIED NOT BECAUSE OF MISTY'S DEATH ONLY,BUT SHE ALSO CRIED BECAUSE OF THE KINDNESS OF THE DRIVER.HE WAS AN UNKNOWN STRANGER WHO STILL HAD COMPASSIONATE TO THE ANIMAL WHICH he hit by his car.Until now,she always remembered the stranger who willed to stop,wrap Misty's up with his expensive jacket,and write the heartfelt note apologize.It was enough for Neridah......

As the conclusion,the lesson we can take into account here is that a simple act can change someone's life or perception.It was unbelievable that in the world,there is still a minority group who will to apologize when they make faults............When we do something faults to human beings,animals or plants,are we going to apologize and aDmit our faults.????................EASILY LIKE HE DRIVER DID????

COME ON............THINK ABOUT IT.................

Friday, July 3, 2009

Water is a wonderful thing in this world...........

I have realised that water.........

is really an amazing creation of Allah.

Before this,I use water to drink,to bath,to wash,to cook,

anything else......

but actually I think that most of us never realise

water plays an important role in our life...........

When I study biochemistry in INTEC,

I explore one thing that I never appreciate it in my life...

that is water....

Firstly,we look at our body first. two over three or more than half of our body is made from WATER......

hOw about the saliva,the tears,the mucus,the sweat.......all of them are WATER...........

Then,we can think about some thing.........why we sweat water vapour????????I t is a weird question...but let us think of it...why not we sweat other things like sugar,heat,fat.........why must be water????

why?? because water is a good coolant.why we have to sweat???to eliminate heat from our body,right???

water is a good coolant as water have high specific capacity of heat.That's means water really need to absorb a lot of HEAT to rise its temperature and release a lot of HEAT to reduce its temperature,That is why we feel cool and fresh when we finished sweating as the water from the sweat releases a lot of heat actually.

Then,I want to ask a question......why we called water as a universal solvent????

The answer is based on the chemical properties of water itself!!!!
We commonly called water as H2O.

The meaning of chemical formula of water,H2O is one atom of oxygen boundS to two atoms of hydrogen.

The hydrogen atoms are "attached" BY COvalent Bond to one side of the oxygen atom, resulting in a water molecule having two opposite charges that are negative and positive charge.

Hyrogen atom REPRESEnt positive charge (+) while oxygen atom represent negative side (-) .

Since opposite charges attract to each other, water molecules tend to attract each other, making water sticky.

The side with the hydrogen atoms (positive charge) attracts the oxygen side (negative charge) of a different water molecule.

All these water molecules attracting each other mean they tend to clump together BY HAVING OPPOSITE CHARGES. This is why water drops are, in fact, drops!

hENCe,water is called the "universal solvent" because it dissolves more substances than any other liquid.

This means that wherever water goes, through the ground or our bodies, it takes along valuable chemicals, minerals, and nutrients. about this???what is WATER FROM ROOT oF A PLANT CAN CLIMB UP TO THE LEAVES????There is a stair inside the stem of the plant......

of course is wrong.............

Even if we have never heard of capillary action, it is still important in our life.

Capillary action is important for moving water especially inside the stem. It is defined as the movement of water within the spaces of a porous material due to the forces of adhesion, cohesion, and surface tension.
According to my green biochemistry textbook,surface tension is a measure of the strength of the film of water surface.

The force attraction between the water molecules creates a strong film . This surface tension permits water to hold up substances heavier and denser than itself.

Actually,capillary action occurs because water is sticky, but first of all,thanks to adhesion and cohesion forces.Cohesion means the attraction between water molecules.

Adhesion means attraction between water molecules and ather substances such as the capillary wall of the stem.

So,water tends to stick together as in a drop.We can see other examples of how water sticks to the glass,clothes and soil.

Besides,a steel needle carefully placed on the surface of water in the glass will float.

Some aquatic insects such as the water strider is able to walk on the surface of the water by relying on the concept of surface tension of water.