Thursday, June 11, 2009

it is The right time to have couple????

hai...........for this week,actually i don't have any idea what i want to share with you guys...suddenly i found this new topic...but firstly thank you to Aaron as he has inspired me to write something about this title..As a teenager,I know deeply about the feelings especially for the girls because I am a girl.When we have reached our puberty period,we will become more emotional and have more feelings such as we want to be loved and appreciated....WHO AGREED WITH ME!!!!!PLEASE BEING HONEST,GUYS...............

in my opinion,when we become a teenager, it is not the right time to have couple but it is the right time to choose.........the personality of someone who can live forever with us in the future...I mean we should make observations about our suitable partner in the future...of one of us know who is our partner in the future,but we can decide it right now.

ok......I,m not try to confuse you guys but try to be open -minded and far-sighted.I will give an example here...There is a teenager....her name is susan(not actual name and not exist!!!) She is a quiet girl and do not like to talk with others..She likes to be alone and she cannot communicate very well with her friends..However,she is a clever girl and she know herself very very well.I mean her personality of a very shy girl.............

THEN,Susan should know how to find her suitable partner..She must choose a boy that is talkative,naughty and know how to adapt himself with her.The boy must be a COMPLIMENT to Susan....I think all of you guys can imagine how boring Susan's life could be if her partner has same characters like her...ooooooooooo.....very is meaningless....

I think that is all I want to share with you guys in this bloG.If you want to comment something about this,you can drop your comment here,ok....For me, I want to give full attention to my study because I want to be a doctor one day.........However,I also have a social life like more...see you..


  1. mane dapat idea nme susan tu?? kah3..
    bg ak la pasangan kene sme interest tu je.. kalau same interest senang communicate.. senang kongsi masalah.. takkan la kalau susan budak baik kene pilih budak jahat pulak.. haha..
    p/s: susan tu cam knal je

  2. adek mas
    pndai plak ko ckp sal cintan nie
    ko plak nk yg mcm mner? hehe
    x sgke ye, muda2 dh berfkirn mtg
    ke berhjt nk kwin kat mesir? thn ke brp nk kwin? kui3
    jage2 taw, org pgi blaja kat mesir ramai yg kawin awl

  3. ak lak..stuju ngn bedol.kalo dpt yg sm interest bes jer topik yg nk communication pn lncar.
    n ag stu,kn bes kalo dpt cm wtk doc rado dlm cter intan.syg gler dia kt isteri dia(intan)..

    p/s:intan da nk tmt da 22 nih.sob2..
